Garden location
1475 Gary Street, Sudbury, ON
Our garden is dedicated to the late Fabio Belli, Councillor 2010-2014, who was a driving force behind the establishment of our garden.
Name: Rachelle Niemela
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 705-822-1276
Type of garden
Benevolent garden. All produce is shared with the community and with organizations like the Food Bank.
Residents in need are encouraged to visit our garden to get fresh produce for their families
Front area
- Fabio Belli memorial plaque
- Seven 4x8 ft raised beds
- Four 4x4 ft raised beds
- Three 4 ft round concrete raised beds
- One ground 4x4 bed
- One wheelchair accessible bed
- Large area with ground beds
- Front entrance arbour with grapes
- Four pea teepees
- Monarch butterfly waystation (milkweed patch)
- Large Food Forest with fruit trees including apple, plum, and butternut trees; fruit bushes including gooseberry, current, and haskap; and ground crops like strawberry and herbs.
Back area
- Large ground beds
- 3 sisters garden
- Pollinator garden with native wildflowers and milkweed patch
- Sunflower patch
- organic gardening: we use triple mix, mulch, perlite, Meeker's mix, manure, peat moss
Cost to participate
Produce and Plants
We produce vegetables, fruit, and herbs.
We plant flowers and vegetables in collaboration with local schools who plant seeds and nurture seedlings for us, and then have a fun planting day at the garden.
- Access points and hoses to municipal water
- Community art feature including a garden sign
- Creator Turtle Garden art feature
- Rain barrels for storing water
- 3 wooden compost bins
- Utility shed
- Picnic table
- Waste facilities
- Art butterfly seat
- Fenced 16x20 greenhouse with 10x10 storage shed
- Fencing: we put up a winter snow fence in order to protect our garden from snowmobiles
Twin Forks Park Facilities
- Public washrooms
- Picnic tables
- Playground facilities
- Splashpad
- Tennis/pickle ball and basketball courts
- Baseball diamond
- Soccer fields
- Access to kitchen at playground building for garden events
We are seeking volunteers to help with expanding the gardens, planting in the spring, watering and weeding during the summer, and harvesting periodically to bring to organizations like the Samaritan Center.
Our wicking beds have been lined with plastic, and then filled with weeping tile and small stones, and then topped with soil. These are experimental beds that require less watering in the summer because the bottom of the beds act as a water basin to store rain water. We are monitoring to see how beneficial this configuration is to drought conditions.
Our Sponsors and Friends of the Garden
Better Beginnings Better Futures - Indigenous Programming
Bob's Service Center
Bruce Tait Construction Ltd
Canada Post
Church of the Ascension
City of Greater Sudbury
Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury - Project Impact
Collège Boréal
Conseil Scolaire du Grand Nord
Cyril Varney Public School
École publique Jean-Éthier-Blais
École séparée Saint-Dominique
The Elevate Project
Ellero Marble & Granite Mfg. Ltd.
Fruit for All
Government of Canada - Enabling Accessibility Fund
Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School
Home Depot
Johanna Westby, Artist
Linda Hachez, Master Gardener
Lockerby Composite School
Lopes Ltd
New Sudbury Best Start Hub
Rainbow Concrete
Sudbury Community Garden Network
Sudbury Horticultural Society
Sudbury Secondary School
Sudbury Shared Harvest
TD Friends of the Environment
Twin Forks Neighbourhood Association
Union Gas Limited
Will Morin, Designer Creator Turtle Garden