Garden location
We are located at the Dog Park off of 2nd Avenue North or more precisely turn towards the entrance of the Civic Memorial Cemetery on 2nd Avenue and then turn right towards the Dog Park parking lot. From there take a short walk to our garden plots situated between the small dog enclosure and the large dog enclosure areas.
Name: Natasha Delaney
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 705-929-2561
Type of garden
We are a non-profit organization that helps support individuals and families in growing local food for enjoyment and for food security in the Minnow Lake Area. Children of gardeners, seniors and dog owners at the Dog Park are also encouraged to garden here! Our garden plots are organic and for rent to the public who wish to become members of our community garden. The Minnow Lake Community Garden is also education oriented and we have a seed starting program that we host each Spring in conjunction with “Our Children, Our Future” to teach people about starting primarily vegetables, but also some herbs and flowers from seed. Our Master Gardener Linda Hachez organizes this program and there is no cost to participate.
- Two 4”X 8”communal garden plots for growing herbs and other perennials
- Twenty-two 4”X 8” garden plots for rent to the public.
Organic gardening: we use triple mix, mulch, perlite, Meeker’s Mix, well Aged Horse manure and peat moss.
Cost to participate
The cost is $20.00 per garden plot to be payed upon registration at the 1st General Meeting and no later than the day of Spring Clean Up at the Garden. Our growing season begins April 1st and goes to Oct. 31st unless otherwise interrupted by weather or site construction.
We also make calls in the Spring to check if gardeners from the previous year still want their garden plots again.
Most of our fees for garden plot rentals go towards the cost of the upkeep of the gardens and garden materials for our seed starting program. MLCG is also closely associated with the Minnow Lake Restoration Group which is a registered charity.
Water Source: We have one large square water container and two rain barrels filled by the city when rain is scarce.
Meeker’s Mix : Organic fish fertilizer used in all gardens.
Seating: We have two picnic tables for sitting at.
Composting: Currently, we have two square wooden composting bins.
Tools Available: We have watering cans, wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes and other gardening tools.
Storage: We have a shed that allows us to lock up our tools and gardening supplies.
Decisions in garden policy and practices are carried out by the MLCG Garden Council which holds its elections annually in March and has monthly meetings the 1st Tuesday of each Month.
Watch our website on Facebook at the Minnow Lake Community Garden for further details.
Our Sponsors and Friends of the Garden
- Bob’s Service Center
- City of Greater Sudbury
- Dean Eyre, President, Minnow Lake Dog Park Volunteer Association and Chair, Minnow Lake Community Action Network
- Home Depot
- Nicole Jameus, Our Children, Our Future
- Linda Hachez, Master Gardener
- John Lindsay, Minnow Lake Restoration Group
- Vale