Garden location
Ridgemount Playground, 3088 Claude Street, Sudbury, ON
Name: Keith Argent
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 705-698 8259
Facebook: Minnow Lake Lions
Type of garden
Minnow Lake Lions Community Garden will provide recreational. social and physical exercise to residents of Minnow Lake but focusing on seniors, mobility challenged and apartment dwellers. The Lions Club will be the core workers to ensure the continuity of the Gardens but inviting the targeted groups to participate.
12 elevated beds and 4 raised beds for potatoes, cucumbers, garlic and rhubarb
Cost to participate
Currently we have no cost to join our gardening group. During planting and growing season the current garden group will meet one day a week to socialize and do the necessary gardening.
Municipal Water source for watering.
Washrooms and refreshments available at select times in the park building. Storage in our Garden Shed.
We wish to thank James St. John, Linda Hachez, the Sudbury Community Garden Network and the City of Greater Sudbury for helping us make this community garden happen.