Pollinator Garden Photos

Photos submitted by residents, businesses and organizations

9 layouts:
square – Shows a grid of square thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail launches a lightbox.
circle – Shows a grid of circular thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail launches a lightbox.
strip-below – Shows a slideshow, with a strip of thumbnails below.
strip-above – Shows a slideshow, with a strip of thumbnails above.
strip-right – Shows a slideshow, with a strip of thumbnails to the right.
no-strip – Shows a slideshow, with no thumbnails.
random – Shows a random, justified grid. Clicking a thumbnail launches a lightbox.
masonry – Shows images in a masonry layout. Clicking a thumbnail launches a lightbox.
mosaic – Shows a random mosaic, like the Jetpack tiled gallery. Clicking a thumbnail launches a lightbox.
Notes: Justified Grid, Masonry or Mosaic layouts try to load default size of images; tile size = an intermediate between a thumbnail and a full(main) size displayed in a lightbox. The tile size can be specified in default settings or in the shortcode.

4 titles options:
cover bottom
slideup on hover

main_size = lightbox size
tile_size = page load size for page fluid layouts random, masonry, mosaic; for these layouts, you control the height of all layouts via a default setting; you cannot specific individual layouts for specific grids via the shortcode

Random justified grid title tooltip zoom in

Random justified grid tile title cover bottom

Square cropped 300px title below

Masonry 150px title slideup on hover

Mosaic title slideup on hover

Slideshow 3 columns